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30 Places You May Be Forgetting To Clean

When's the last time you cleaned your toothbrush holder? What about your remote controls or the inside of your trash bin? Doorknobs or light fixtures?

There are so many places in the home that are easy to overlook when it comes to cleaning, so consider this your reminder to go de-grime them right now! Here are the top 30 forgotten spots and how to clean them.

Gather These Tools

White fridge in kitchen


1. Refrigerator doors and handles

Did you know your refrigerator’s doors and handles are one of the dirtiest places in your whole house? Yup. Wipe them down with an all-purpose formula like the Surface Cleaner and a cleaning cloth daily, and be sure to clean the inside frequently, too.

2. The oven hood

For heavy grease, pour two capfuls of oxygen-based bleach in a bucket of hot water and scrub with a scrub brush and Dish Soap. In between, spritz with Surface Cleaner and a polishing cloth.

3. Drawers

They’re always full of stuff, so we typically don’t realize how much of a catchall they are for crumbs and random debris. Clear them every few weeks and give them a thorough wiping with Surface Cleaner. This will also encourage you to purge your stuff and avoid junk drawers from getting too… well, junky.

4. Beneath appliances

Sweep to collect food, dust bunnies, and other unidentified randomness, then spritz with Surface Cleaner and wipe or mop dry. For a streak-free finish on Pergo flooring, mix ¼ cup of plain white vinegar with 1 gallon of water and mop to a high shine.

5. The coffeemaker and tea kettle

You may not see it, but these appliances get icky inside fast! Regularly deep clean with Dish Soap as needed, and keep dry between uses to avoid icky buildup. Be sure to follow manufacturer instructions for any special cleaning tips.

6. Backsplashes and the fronts and insides of cabinets

Wipe away oil, grease, and cooking splatters with Surface Cleaner and a polishing cloth. FYI, we opt for cloths over paper towels to cut down on waste and to avoid the pulpy residue paper towels leave behind.

Top Tip: Cabinets situated directly above your oven or range require more frequent cleaning to prevent greasy buildup from accumulating.

7. Dishwasher

The thing that cleans your dishes needs a detox every now and again, too. Tackle the interior with Surface Cleaner, and clean any individual parts in the sink with Dish Soap as needed.

8. Reusable glass containers

Yay for being sustainable! Reusable containers are sometimes tricky to keep clean, stain-free, and smelling fresh. Soak glass containers with hot water and 1 capful of an oxygen-based bleach for an hour or up to overnight to remove stains before running through the dishwasher, or hand washing with Dish Soap. If your glass containers have rubber attachments, skip the oxygen bleach and use Dish Soap only for soaking.

White bedroom


9. Mattress pads or covers

These pads and covers need regular cleaning because dust mites, perspiration, dead skin cells, body oils, and residue from pets can weasel their way through without maintenance. Gross, right? Follow manufacturer instructions to clean, laundering if directed with a deep cleaning formula like Whites Detergent.

10. Down comforters and pillows

Our Wool & Cashmere Shampoo can be used to wash your comforters and duvets at home. It only involves a few simple steps.

11. Ceiling fan blades

A good dust-lifting cloth will latch onto particles with a few gentle swipes. For extra-heavy buildup, spritz with Surface Cleaner to remove any marks, then polish with a clean section of cloth.

12. Air Purifiers

Keep yours chugging along and working to its best ability by cleaning its filter according to the directions.

The Laundress Glass & Mirror Cleaner cleaning glass shower door


13. Shower curtains and liners

Because water is hitting them daily (oftentimes a few times daily), they’re prone to buildup and mildew. It’s smart to clean them once a month. Here’s how to do it.

14. Makeup brushes

Makeup and oil accumulate on your makeup brushes with each and every use, and not cleaning them can lead to skin-stressing bacteria The good news is you can use solutions you may already have at home, like a mild baby soap, to give them a fresh start.

15. Toothbrush holders and hand soap dispensers

Wash them out with some Dish Soap, a scrub brush, and hot water on the regular to stop that icky white or blue gunk from accumulating.

16. Bath mats

We recommend cleaning these guys as often as you do your hand and bath towels. Prior to washing, vacuum or shake out any dirt or loose debris. Wash with hot water and Signature Detergent. If your mat is made of memory foam, choose cool water, a delicate cycle, and low spin. For an all-plastic mat, spray thoroughly with Surface Cleaner, and polish clean with a dry cloth.

17. Behind the toilet and sinks

Just because these areas are hidden doesn’t mean dust, gunk, and grime doesn’t settle here! Don’t forget to sweep and mop them.

18. Toilet brush cleaners and scrub brushes

Soak these in a basin of hot water and an oxygen-based bleach to thoroughly clean.

Woman sitting by fireplace


19. Plant Pots

Real or faux, your plant pots need to be dusted on occasion. Extra dirty pot exteriors can do with a deeper clean using an all-purpose, bio-based cleaning solution like Surface Cleaner.

20. Candles and essential oil diffusers

Wipe away dust from wax candles with a lint-free cleaning cloth. For candles housed in glass jars, you can use your favorite window cleaner, like Glass & Mirror Cleaner. For diffusers, first unplug the device, then fill the water reservoir halfway with clean water. Add a tiny amount of plain white vinegar, then turn it on and let it run for 3-5 minutes, allowing the vinegar to disperse throughout the machine. Use a small brush like our Stain Brush to wipe down the edges of the water reservoir and the outside of the machine. Rinse the water reservoir with clean water, wipe dry with a clean cloth, and allow to air dry before using. Always consult manufacturer recommendations before cleaning for best results.

21. Washable upholstery

Treat stains and spills on washable upholstery with the versatile Stain Solution before laundering with the appropriate detergent for the fabric type. To eliminate unwanted smells, spray with your favorite fabric freshening spray or add a capful of plain white vinegar to a spray bottle of cool water and spray directly onto fabric from at least 6” away.

22. Wool rugs and blankets

Give wool rugs and blankets a reset by washing with our Wool & Cashmere Shampoo and these tricks.

23. Throw pillow covers

If the last time you washed your pillow covers was...never, check the care guide. If they say they’re machine washable, wash with Signature Detergent and cool water, then lay flat to dry. For fine fabrics, opt for a gentle solution like Delicate Wash and hand wash instead.

24. Remote controls

When’s the last time you washed yours?! Clean them frequently with a lint-free cleaning cloth misted with Surface Cleaner.

25. Lamps

They’re magnets for dirt and dust! A dense garment brush is the perfect tool for gently brushing away lint, dust, hair, and other unmentionables.

The Laundress Home Cleaning Collection


26. Washing machine and dryer

If your machine has a foul smell, it’s probably time to give yours a refresh. And if yours doesn’t smell? It’s still a good idea to clean them often.

27. Vent covers

To clean, remove the covers and place them in a sink or basin filled with warn, soapy water. Soak for no longer than 30 minutes and be gentle when washing to avoid paint from lifting.

28. Trash cans and recycling bins

Do we even have to say it?! Clean these on the regular to avoid a stinky situation.

29. Light switches and doorknobs

Don’t neglect these high touch surfaces! Surface Cleaner and a lint-free cloth are your go to for regular wipe-downs.

30. Closet floors

Closets matter, too! Sweep, vacuum, and mop them whenever you clean your floors.

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